Be a “Prepper”

What's a "prepper"?

For us, a prepper is being a proactive planner. Someone who is #UICReady for whatever life throws at them!

From building an emergency evacuation “go-bag” for your pet, to planning for a financial emergency, you’ve come to the right place for a curated, ongoing, growing list of handy prepper resources and links from all over the web.

At OPR  (that’s the Office of Preparedness and Response, in case you missed it), we are always on the look-out for practical tips, cheat sheets, and easy-to-follow guides on how to prepare for (and deal with) minor emergencies, inconvenient utility failures, and other day-to-day disruptions made worse due to a lack of planning. #becauselife.

Dog Emergency Preparedness on the National Dog Day Heading link

3 tips to have the best and safest Independence Day Weekend! Heading link

3 things you should know to be #UICReady and make the most out of the summer events Heading link

Memorial Day Weekend Preparedness Heading link

National Financial Capability Month Heading link

National Pet Day Heading link

Do you want to know about a specific subject? Send us an email at, and we will go on the scouting.