Ensuring a Safe Commute

Safety tips to navigate the campus Heading link

Students walking around campus at night
  1. Stay aware. Be mindful of your surroundings and identify the safest route to your destination, especially in campus areas with low visibility or limited foot traffic.
  2. Noise-canceling headphones are a definite no-no when walking. Music can be a distraction from hearing an individual or a group approaching from behind.
  3. Travel in well-lit areas. Stick to well-lit and heavily trafficked paths on campus, especially at night. Avoid shortcuts through dark or isolated areas
  4. Use the buddy system. Try to travel in groups when possible, or request a Walking Safety Escort to accompany you.
  5. Look for the location of the nearest emergency call box (there are more than 2,000 across campus).
  6. Trust your instincts. If something feels off or makes you uncomfortable, trust your instincts and leave the area immediately.
  7. Limit cash on hand. Avoid carrying large sums of cash. Use debit or credit cards for transactions when possible.
  8. Avoid displaying valuables. Keep your phone, laptop, and other valuable items out of sight when walking on campus. Don’t advertise expensive possessions.
  9. Use the UIC Police Safe Exchange Zone Carry out legal swaps, sales, or purchases in the UIC Police Department lobby.
  10. Don’t share personal information. Be cautious about sharing personal information online or with strangers. Robbers might use this information to target you.
  11. Report suspicious activity. If you witness suspicious individuals or behavior, don’t hesitate to report it to UIC Police.
  12. Stay calm. If confronted by a robber, it’s essential to stay calm. Cooperate and comply with their demands. Your safety is the top priority.
  13. Always have emergency contacts on you or on your mobile device.

Driving to, or from, classes

A silver car transiting on the street in front of the College of Nursing
  1. Park in well-lit areas: Whenever possible, park in well-lit, heavily traveled areas and avoid parking in dimly lit or isolated spots. Think ahead about what time you will return to your vehicle and how conditions in the area (like lighting or foot traffic) may change.
  2. Be cautious when approaching your vehicle. Before getting in your car, check the area around your vehicle to ensure no one is hiding nearby.
  3. Have your keys ready in hand when walking to your vehicle.
  4. Stay aware. Be mindful of your surroundings and stay cautious. Do not sit in your vehicle for extended periods of time when parked. Have a plan in place that can help protect you in the event of a hijacking attempt.
  5. Always lock the doors. Lock all doors immediately after you enter your vehicle.
  6. Don’t program your home address in your GPS. This can lead a thief to your home and give them access inside with a garage door opener.
  7. Report suspicious activity. If you see someone acting suspiciously around vehicles or people, report it to UIC Police.
  8. Notify friends or family of your whereabouts and plans.
  9. Stay informed. Be aware of local public safety advisories and any reported vehicular hijacking incidents on or near your campus.
  10. Stay calm. If confronted by a hijacker, stay calm and cooperate with their demands. Your safety is the top priority.
  11. Get a description. If confronted with a hijacker, remember the suspect description(s) and vehicle description, if they have one.

Using Public Transportation

A male student wearing a red UIC hoodie is steping out of a train at the blue line
  1. Avoid displaying valuables: Consider keeping valuables such as wallets, phones and electronic devices in your front pockets or in secured compartments in your backpack or bag. Keep your purse or backpack in your lap, on your arm, or between your feet.
  2. Stay alert: While riding public transit or waiting for the bus or train, stay alert and observe the behavior of those around you. Avoid using noise-canceling headphones and listen carefully when the operator is making announcements. Do not sleep on the bus or train or become too engrossed in a book or on your phone.
  3. Take action and report: If you notice suspicious behavior or safety concerns, or encounter an emergency while using public transportation, report to the transit agency or contact 911 for assistance. Taking quick action could help prevent potential incidents and ensure yours and other’s safety. If something feels off or makes you uncomfortable, trust your instincts and leave the area immediately.

Get familiar with the Blue Light Poles

A close up to an Emergency Blue Light Pole outside of the Student Center West

UIC has Emergency Assistance Devices or Blue Light Poles stationed across campus for you to request immediate help in urgent or emergency situations.

Look for the location of the nearest emergency call box.

Emergency assistance devices or blue light poles come in various forms: In indoor areas, you will find silver emergency call boxes with red buttons installed on the walls of common spaces such as elevators, bathrooms, select stairwells, lobbies and classrooms. In UIC parking structures, these call boxes are stationed on the walls of each level, in the stairwells and at the entry/exit gates. Outdoors, there are 8-foot blue light poles situated throughout public walkways, near campus buildings and residence halls and around parking structures on campus

The emergency call boxes or blue light poles on campus will provide immediate access to the UIC Police Department. Press the call button on the unit to call for assistance.


Register your bike or scooter

A female student is standing next to an electric scooter and using her phone outside the library

All students, staff and faculty at UIC are asked to register their bicycles or electric scooters with the UIC Police Department. Information collected during the registration process is entered into a database and used to identify the bicycle or electric scooter in case of theft.

Register your bike or scooter

Learn about Transportation Services

Learn about Transit Services on campus