Chancellor’s Emergency Operations Policy Group

The Chancellor’s Emergency Operations Policy Group (EOPG) is charged with providing UIC-wide leadership and strategic direction on policy, protocol, and authority for any emergency that impacts the university’s ability to perform its mission of teaching, research, service, and patient care. The EOPG is activated when a significant emergency affects the university to evaluate the situation and consider the high-level policy issues that confront the university.

Principal Members: Heading link

Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (Co-Chair)
Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services (Co-Chair)
Campus Legal Counsel
Vice Chancellor for Finance
Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs
Vice Chancellor for Innovation and Strategic Partnerships
Vice Chancellor for Research
Vice Chancellor for Strategic Marketing and Communications
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
Chief Executive Officer, University of Illinois Hospital & Clinics

Ex Officio: Heading link

Associate Dean for Systems-Based Practice, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs
Associate Vice Chancellor, Office of Preparedness and Response
Associate Vice Chancellor, University Communications
Chief of Police, UIC Police
Chief of Staff, Office of the Chancellor
Chief of Staff, Office of the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

Scope of Responsibilities: Heading link

To facilitate response and recovery, the scope of responsibilities includes:

  • Policy-level decisions (curfew, evacuation order authorization)
  • Evaluating institutional effects
  • Authorizing suspension of classes and/or programs
  • Addressing legal issues
  • Approving temporary policies
  • Fiscal authorizations
  • Strategic prioritization
  • Guidance on policy direction when requested by the Campus Emergency Operations Center (CEOC)
  • Responding to requests from the Joint Information Center (JIC)/Media Center
  • High-level conflict resolution
  • Waiving university policies (bid processes, paperwork requirements, HR, or benefits changes)
  • Advising the Chancellor, the President, and other executive authorities on policy issues.
  • Approving reallocation of resources across conventional boundaries
  • Liaising with the Governor, congressional delegation, community leaders, and other stakeholders
  • Assuming all responsibilities of the Campus Violence Prevention Committee (CVPC) as described in the UIC Violence Prevention Plan (VPP) for threat mitigation and management