Annual Security and Fire Safety Report
Experience campus safety in a whole new pixelated light with the 2023 Annual Security and Fire Safety Report for UIC. This year’s theme for the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report transports you to your favorite gaming console and reminds you that campus safety is a multi-player effort- our collective safety relies on personal responsibility, university accountability, and teamwork. When we are all aware and prepared, we are a safer and more resilient community.
View Annual Security and Fire Safety Report
The Report by Sections (Table of Contents) Heading link
Crime Statistics Heading link
UIC is required to compile annual crime statistics concerning certain crimes that are reported to Campus Security Authorities or local police agencies. Crimes disclosed in the ASFSR include Clery Act crimes that occurred on UIC’s Clery Geography (on-campus property, on-campus student housing facilities, noncampus property, and public property immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus).
Clery Act Crime Categories Heading link
Clery Act Crime Categories
- Criminal Offenses: Criminal homicide: murder and non-negligent manslaughter, manslaughter by negligence; sexual assault: rape, fondling, incest, statutory rape; robbery; aggravated assault; burglary; motor vehicle theft; and arson.
- Hate Crimes: Any of the above-mentioned offenses, and any incidents of: larceny-theft; simple assault; intimidation; and destruction/damage/vandalism of property.
- Violence Against Women Act Offenses: Domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking.
- Arrests and Referrals for Disciplinary Action: for Weapons law violations, drug abuse violations, and liquor law violations.
Clery Geography Heading link
To learn more about UIC Clery Geography, including Clery Geography maps of each campus, see the Travel & Geography Reporting section of this site.