Violence Prevention Strategies
Identification Heading link

The identification phase involves the recognition and reporting of behaviors of concern. Anyone may recognize concerning behavior or situations that pose, or have the potential to pose, a threat of violence. When UIC community members or others recognize such behavior/situations, they should immediately report the behavior/situation to the appropriate campus officials (i.e., Behavioral Threat Assessment Teams) using the reporting options described on HERE.
Once the behaviors or situations of concern have been reported to the appropriate Behavioral Threat Assessment Team, the behavior/situation of concern has been “identified.” Additional information on the identification of behaviors of concern is described in the Violence Prevention Plan.
Assessment Heading link

When concerning behavior is detected and reported, core members of the appropriate Behavioral Threat Assessment Team will determine case prioritization and resource allocation based on preliminary information available. Members may determine a preliminary level of concern and outline any management strategies immediately necessary. During the initial assessment and triage, the following is considered:
- Does the report/referral have validity in terms of raising concern for violence?
- What level of urgency is needed for the behavioral threat assessment team response?
- What expertise is needed to assemble a team?
- What immediate protective measures should be implemented?
- What investigative steps are needed to ensure sufficient information is gathered to enable a thorough assessment?
If there are remaining concerns after the initial assessment application of preliminary management strategies, additional ad-hoc members of the BTAT may be assembled to conduct a full inquiry using fact-based behavioral threat assessment practices.
Read more about the university’s behavioral threat assessment process here.
Management Heading link

After assessing a situation, members of Behavioral Threat Assessment Teams identify strategies and resources to leverage toward managing the concerning behavior. The goal of responding to concerns reported to the BTAT is to address the concerning behavior, remedy its effects on the community, and maintain a safe campus environment while supporting student and employee success at UIC, to the extent possible.
There is no “one size fits all” approach to the management of concerning behavior; instead, the BTAT focus on case-specific, evidence-based solutions predicated upon communication, partnerships, and leveraging of resources.
Management strategies may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Recommend no action, pending further observation
- Coordinate with relevant stakeholders to develop a plan to address the concern(s) (e.g., coordinate with a student’s professor or Dean; coordinate with an employee’s supervisor).
- Refer the student or employee to on-campus or community resources for support and assistance (e.g., connect a student with the UIC Counseling Center or connect an employee with Employee Assistance Services).
- Make recommendations consistent with university policies and procedures.