Integrated Preparedness Plan

A digital render of an IPP document (Integrated Preparedness Plan)


Integrated Preparedness Plan (IPP) in Emergency Management


The Integrated Preparedness Plan (IPP) is a structured, multi-year approach that aligns training, exercises, and capability-building efforts within emergency management. The goal of an IPP is to create a systematic and coordinated preparedness cycle, ensuring that jurisdictions, organizations, or institutions can effectively respond to and recover from disasters.

UIC’s plan integrates various preparedness activities—such as planning, training, and exercises—into a cohesive framework that improves readiness, resilience, and response coordination.

Key Components of an IPP 

  • Capability-Based Planning – Aligns preparedness activities with the core capabilities outlined in FEMA’s National Preparedness Goal (NPG).
  • Multi-Year Approach – Provides a long-term roadmap for training and exercises to ensure continuous improvement.
  • Stakeholder Engagement – Involves coordination with local, state, federal, and private-sector partners.
  • Exercise and Training Cycle – Integrates drills, functional exercises, and full-scale simulations.
  • Evaluation and Improvement – Uses After Action Reports (AARs) and Improvement Plans (IPs) to refine future preparedness efforts.

UIC's IPP Objectives

  • Aligning with National and State Preparedness Frameworks
  • UIC’s IPP aligns with FEMA’s National Response Framework (NRF), National Incident Management System (NIMS), and Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP).
  • Building Public-Private Partnerships
  • Conducting Multi-Jurisdictional Exercises

UIC facilitates tabletop exercises (TTXs), functional exercises (FEs), and full-scale exercises (FSEs) to test and refine emergency response capabilities.