Suspicious Person
Report What You See Heading link
Report violent, threatening, or suspicious behavior by calling UICPD at (312) 355-5555 or 911. Provide as much information as possible and DO NOT hang up until explicitly instructed to do so.
- Where is the incident taking place?
- ยญWhere are you located?
- ยญWhere is the assailant?
- What does the assailant look like?
- ยญDo you recognize the assailant?
Questions Heading link
- What is the assailant carrying?
- ยญWhat type of weapon(s) did you see?
- A handgun, riยญfle, or explosive?
- ยญWere they carrying a backpack, bag, or carrying case?
- What did it look like?
- ยญWhat did you hear before, during, and after the confrontation? Explosions? Gunshots?
- How is the assailant communicating?
- ยญWhat language is being used?
- ยญWhat threats or commands are being said?