Emergency Preparedness for Students

AS CLASSES BEGIN... Heading link
- Verify or update your preferred method of contact for UIC Alerts (the university’s mass emergency notification system). We can’t warn you if we can’t reach you!
- Download the UIC SAFE app and become familiar with real-time reporting and support resources, and additional features for a safer commute or for working alone on campus.
- Download and register for the UIC Ride app to use UIC’s after-hours “Night Ride” service, that provides safe transportation to UIC community members from 10 p.m.-7 a.m. each day.
- Watch the instructional video, Are you UICReady? Surviving an Active Threat Event. Knowing what to do can make the difference for you and those around you.
- Review relevant building emergency action plans to identify evacuation routes and locate storm shelters, AEDs, evacuation assembly areas, and fire alarm pull stations and extinguishers near your classrooms or other buildings you frequent.
- If you have a permanent or temporary disability that impacts your mobility, contact the Disability Resource Center for guidance, support and accommodations on navigating and accessing the campus.
- Own your role in campus violence prevention: recognize the warning signs, share your concerns, and know your resources for student wellness and success.
Links Heading link

- Know your options to run, hide, or fight and follow instructions provided by UIC Alert or emergency personnel or UIC faculty and staff.
- Report acts or threats of violence to the UIC Police Department by calling (312) 355-5555 or using the reporting features on the UIC Safe app.
- Obtain official emergency information from UIC Alert or uic.edu. The official UIC Twitter @ThisIsUIC may also be used as a trusted source.
- Misinformation is a significant risk and potential source of trouble in any fast-developing situation, so we urge all UIC affiliates to rely on only official university information.
What to expect Heading link
What to expect from responding UIC Police “contact team” officers:
UIC Police “Contact Team” responding to an active assailant are trained in “rapid response” procedures and proceed immediately to the area on-campus in which shots were last heard; their mission is to stop the threat by locating the suspect in the most expeditious manner possible.
- Contact Team (Officers) may be armed with rifles, shotguns, and handguns
- Officers may aim their weapons at you
- Officers may use pepper spray or tear gas to control the situation
- Officers may be wearing regular uniforms, external bulletproof vests, Kevlar helmets and other tactical equipment
- Officers may shout commands and push individuals to the ground for safety
- Officers will NOT stop to render first aid or assistance to victims but may, where reasonably possible, inform them that additional rescue task forces are coming to assist and notify emergency responders of the victims’ locations and perceived conditions
- Rescue teams will follow shortly after the first responding officers enter the area. They will attend to the injured and evacuate everyone safely
- Regardless of how officers appear, remain calm. Do as the officers tell you, and do not be afraid of them.
- Put down any items in your hands (i.e., bags, jackets, backpacks, cell phones, etc.)
- Keep your hands visible at all times and spread your fingers
- Avoid making quick movements towards officers or grabbing a hold of them
- Avoid pointing, screaming and/or yelling at officers
- Do NOT stop to ask officers questions when evacuating, proceed in the direction from which officers are entering premises
- Keep in mind that once you have escaped to a safer location, the entire area is still a crime scene.
Understand the difference between COVER and CONCEALMENT.

Remember that no matter which one you choose you must be ready to transition to “FIGTH” if needed.
- COVER: Hidden from view behind an object that can stop a bullet (for example: brick or concrete wall).
- CONCEALMENT: hidden from view behind an object that will not stop a bullet (for example curtains, bushes, closet door, etc.)
If you are not in the area of the active threat, but receive a UIC alert
- Immediately lockdown your room unless otherwise directed by emergency personnel or UIC Alert.
- During a Lockdown Order:
- Calmly, but quickly close and lock all doors into your room.
- Block entry into your room, if possible.
- Close and lock all windows in your room. Draw the blinds where possible.
- Turn off the lights.
- Hide in an area that is out of view and makes your location look as though it is empty.
- Silence all electronic devices.
- Remain as quiet as possible and attract as little attention to your area as possible.
- Wait for further instruction from UIC Alert or emergency personnel.
- Stay locked-down in your hiding place until you receive an “All Clear” message from UIC Alert.
- Call UIC Police at (312) 355-5555 if an emergency arises in your area.
- Text your family to let them know you are okay.
- Closely follow the instructions of emergency personnel and UIC Alert
Once the threat no longer exists: post-incident recovery
- You may be taken to UIC’s family reunification and assistance center, triage or other holding area for medical care, interviewing, counseling, or support services.
- Once you have been evacuated you will not be permitted to retrieve items or access the area until law enforcement releases the crime scene.
- Help emergency personnel account for classmates, peers, or others if you are able to do so.
- Do your best to support your own emotional needs and the needs of others; seek support for yourself and/or refer others to student assistance and support resources accordingly.
- Stay in tune to updates on counseling services, relief, memorial activities, and other important news about the event.